What are the three psychological needs that need to be met to enable a young person to learn, develop, and achieve their full potential? In his first State of the School District Address, RPS Superintendent Kent Pekel will answer that question and provide an engaging overview of how Rochester Public Schools is working to meet those three essential psychological needs for more than 17,000 young people in our community. The event will also feature performances and observations from RPS students on the state of our schools, our school system, and our city. Thanks to a generous donation, the evening will conclude with frozen treats from La Michoacana Purepecha. Whether you are a parent or caregiver who seeks to help your children succeed or a member of the Rochester community who wants to help all children succeed or both, please join us for what promises to be an important and enjoyable evening.
5 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
State of the District 2024
The ALC school garden is THRIVING under our ESP Natalie Kocer's green thumb! With the help of our science teachers last school year, students grew a variety of flower and veggie plants under growing lights. When the ground was ready, students helped to shovel and transplant them in the school garden. This year, 350 pounds of food have been harvested! This includes potatoes, beets, radishes, tomatoes, 5 types of peppers, red onions, basil, and squash. The students even elected to plant raspberries that will be ready to pick later this year!
5 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
Natalie Kocer - takes care of the garden
ALC school garden
ALC school garden
There will be no school on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. Additionally, all RPS offices will be closed. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, September 3.
5 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
RPS is closed for Labor Day on September 2, 2024
September's meal menus are ready! Download your copy to plan for next month: https://www.rochesterschools.org/documents/school-meals-and-menus/493023
5 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Meal Menu Notice
RPS families: This is a reminder that except for Longfellow Elementary, there is no school tomorrow, Friday, August 30. RPS is also closed on Monday, September 2, in observance of Labor Day. Enjoy the long weekend, and we will see you next Tuesday!
5 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
No School Friday, August 30 (except Longfellow)
Results on the 2024 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) indicate that RPS has reversed a multi-year decline in the percentage of students who score at the proficient level or above in math, science, and reading. Read more: https://www.rochesterschools.org/article/1736885
5 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
RPS reverses downward trend in proficiency rates in math, science, and reading
Today is the first day of school for elementary students, and we expect some delays in bus transportation, especially as our bus drivers learn the new route structure with the changeover from transporting elementary students home and turning around to pick up our secondary students. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we navigate this and continuously work to improve our processes. Families using Transportation can download the First View app to see where their student's buses are. The district code for the app is M6QE.
5 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Transportation Update
We offer ALC students a Food Pantry and Resource Room on-site. Having access to clothing, basic hygiene items, and shelf-stable food items helps keep students in school. We could use help re-stocking our shelves for the start of the school year. If you'd like to donate items, please see the attached flyer for our ongoing needs. You can drop off items any day school is in session from 8:30-4pm.
5 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
Donation Needs flyer
food pantry
Resource Room
If the "Ignite Student Learning" referendum fails, class sizes will increase, school closures will be unavoidable, and RPS will need to make major cuts to student programs, support services, and teachers and staff. Find out more details at RochesterSchools.org/referendum.
5 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
"If approved by voters, the referendum will support:  1. Positions dedicated to supporting struggling students  2. Programs that challenge academically advanced students 3. Services for students that promote mental health and well-being 4. Classes that prepare students for vocational and technical careers"
The ALC flu clinic will take place AT SCHOOL on Thursday, September 26. The flu shot and nasal spray (FluMist®) will be offered as available. Registration is required by September 11. To register online, go to https://www.semnic.org/schoolfluclinics.html. Click "Sign Up Here."
5 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
Get your flu shot sign
8/26/24: Due to an excessive heat warning issued for this afternoon and evening, all outdoor athletic sports and activities are canceled. However, some coaches may still have indoor practice plans. Please check in with them for this information.
6 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Due to an excessive heat warning issued for this afternoon and evening, all outdoor athletic sports and activities are canceled. However, some coaches may still have indoor practice plans. Check in with them for this information.
Please our first newsletter of the school year - a back-to-school edition! https://secure.smore.com/n/auq6h-august-rochester-alc-newsletter
6 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
The Ignite Student Learning referendum seeks voter approval of an operating levy increase to stabilize our budget and protect the programs & services that help our students thrive. 🏫 To find out how the proposed levy would impact your property taxes, use our tax calculator https://www.ehlers-inc.com/microsite/rochester2024/ 👈
6 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Check out our tax calculator
What's for lunch? Plan ahead for the start of the school year by downloading this month's meal menu. August and September meal menus are available for download. Download here: https://www.rochesterschools.org/documents/school-meals-and-menus/493023
6 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
August Meal Menus
"Dear RPS community, I hope you had a great summer and that you are as excited as I am for the school year that is about to begin. One of the most important events for our school district this year is the referendum to increase local funding for Rochester Public Schools (RPS) that will be on the ballot on November 5." Read Superintendent Pekel's full letter: https://www.rochesterschools.org/article/1724172
6 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Referendum news
Our staff has spent the last week getting ready for you, double check your calendar so you are ready too! Monday, August 26: • Step into Learning for all elementary schools • Meet me in the Middle for incoming 6th grade students • First day of 9th Grade for all 9th grade students Tuesday, August 27: • Step into Learning for all elementary schools • First Day of School for all secondary students Wednesday, August 28: • First Day of School for all elementary students Thursday, August 29: • Regular school day Friday, August 30: • No school for all schools and programs that follow the traditional school year calendar. Longfellow Elementary is still in session.
6 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
First Week of School Schedule
ALC Students, Families, & Community Partners - We're looking forward to the 2024-2025 school year. Staff are busy preparing for the first week of school. Some reminders: * First day of School (August 26) will be for 9th graders only. All other students will start on Tuesday, August 27. * Night School classes will not meet on Monday, August 26 * No School on Friday, August 30 and Monday, September 2 Please Note: According to district policy, at the ALC, students are encouraged not to bring cell phones or other electronic devices including smart watches and earbuds/air pods to school. If students choose to bring a cell phone/device to school, the device(s) will be collected and stored during the full school day. Smart watches may be worn for telling time only. This applies to both day school and night school.
6 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
Welcome Back sign
#CelebrateRPS: Our community never shies away from joining us in celebrating the accomplishments of our students. With over 10 graduation ceremonies across our schools and programs, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate our Class of 2024 one last time as they start this fall headed forward to a year of new beginnings in college, careers, service, exploration, and adventure!
6 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
The one where the Rochester Public School Class of 2024 graduates - RPS Instagram mockup
If approved by voters this November, the additional funding from the Ignite Student Learning plan will protect critical resources such as: ⭐Reading specialist positions ⭐School counselors ⭐Advanced learning teachers ⭐Career and technical education classes Learn more ➡️ RochesterSchools.org/referendum
6 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
RochesterSchools.org/referendum is your go-to place for all things related to the November ballot referendum!
#RPSinfo New year, New bell times! At the start of the school year, we’ll transition to our new school bell time schedule. • RPS Preschool - Morning session: 8:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. • RPS Preschool - Afternoon session 12:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. • Elementary schools: 7:55 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. • Middle schools: 8:35 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. • High schools: 8:50 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. • Phoenix Academy, RAIL, and Right Fit: 8:20 a.m. - 2:20 p.m. Visit https://www.rochesterschools.org/page/school-bell-times or print our 2024-2025 School Directory and Bell Times document.
6 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
RPS School Bell Times