A reminder that there is no school for students on Thursday, October 17, and Friday, October 18, for MEA (Minnesota Educators Academy). We will see students back in school on Monday, October 21.
4 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
No School on Thursday and Friday, October 17 and 18
Doug Ondler was a long-time Science teacher in the district and later, a substitute teacher at the ALC. When he passed away last year, his family and friends donated money to the ALC to help support outdoor learning experiences. Last week, we were able to take our students to Chester Woods for a canoeing and team-building experience. (Wilderness Inquiry hosted us.) Thank you to everyone who helped make this trip happen.
4 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
Chester Woods trip
If the Ignite Student Learning referendum is approved in November, the operating levy increase will protect essential teaching positions, classes, and programs that empower all students. Learn more about our proposed plan: RochesterSchools.org/referendum
4 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
What would the Referendum support?
Thank you to First Alliance Credit Union for volunteering their time to help us clean out the ALC community garden for the winter. They helped harvest tomatoes, peppers, carrots, and potatoes before weeding, raking, tarping, and laying down hay across the plots.
4 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
cleaning out ALC garden
cleaning out ALC garden
cleaning out ALC garden
cleaning out ALC garden
cleaning out ALC garden
cleaning out ALC garden
cleaning out ALC garden
Thank you , GEOTEK, for hosting a drive for the ALC's Resource Room and Food Pantry. Each month, a different business/organization/religious institution hosts a drive, where they collect hygiene and shelf-stable food items for us. These community partnerships help to keep our shelves stocked.
4 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
GEOTEK donation to the ALC - food and resource room
At the School Board meeting on Tuesday, October 8, the School Board voted unanimously to direct Superintendent Pekel to develop a 2025-2026 general fund budget recommendation that includes reductions if the Ignite Student Learning referendum plan is not passed by voters on November 5, 2024. Read more about what this budget recommendation would include: https://www.rochesterschools.org/article/1811261
4 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
What happens if the 2024 RPS Referendum fails?
It's a joy to see ALC students mentor Ben Franklin students each week. They have been getting to know each other through fun activities and games... and learning without knowing it! Thank you to Jasmine and Mrs. Patel for coordinating this partnership with Ben Franklin teachers, Mr. Gasner and Mr. Hynes.
4 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
students doing a drawing activity
students playing math games
students playing math games
students playing math games
students doing a drawing activity
We love our Nature Rx program (taught in partnership with Public Health ) that teaches students to reflect on how time spent in nature can be used for mental wellbeing. Students had an opportunity to visit Chester Woods for a canoeing and fishing adventures! Thank you, Mr. Lynch, Ms. Pencille, and Christa Seymour for helping with this opportunity!
4 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
students fishing
students fishing
students canoeing
students canoeing
FREE winter coats at Salvation Army on Wed, 10/16, 3-6:30pm. (All in need of a coat must be present.)
4 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
coat distributin flyer - 10/16 at Salvation Army, 3-6:30pm
Listen to RPS students explain the Ignite Student Learning referendum that is on the November ballot! The video shows how the proposed levy increase would stabilize district finances and support the programs and services that help students thrive: https://youtu.be/2-Y2VWb-wA8
4 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
ALC students visited Mystery Cave and Forestville State Park for a "BIPOC Women in Outdoor Careers Exploration Fair." We learned about a variety of careers in natural resources, explored the cave, and tried out archery. A fun day of learning!
4 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
BIPOC outdoors career fair
BIPOC outdoors career fair
BIPOC outdoors career fair
BIPOC outdoors career fair
BIPOC outdoors career fair
BIPOC outdoors career fair
BIPOC outdoors career fair
BIPOC outdoors career fair
BIPOC outdoors career fair
BIPOC outdoors career fair
United Way and ABC6News held a one-day, LIVE, hygiene donation drive for our Resource Room on Thursday, and we wanted to share the results! This photo speaks volumes of the care our community shows to our students. Sometimes, these items can be the difference between a student coming to school versus staying home. A huge thank you!
4 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
Resource Room drive donations
We loved meeting our students and families who were able to attend our ALC Family Welcome Night yesterday evening! A big thank you to ALC staff and community organizations for hosting a table and sharing resources. We also had Kay Fox, local artist, lead a painting activity, and DJ Supafly at the photo booth! A special shout out to El Carambas for catering delicious food!
4 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
ALC Family Welcome Night pictures
ALC Family Welcome Night pictures
Listen to Superintendent Pekel explain what's at stake for RPS this election when voters consider an operating levy increase that would stabilize our budget, allowing RPS to avoid school closures, protect class sizes, and maintain student programs and services: bit.ly/3MRUWLR
4 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Decision point for the referendum. If it passes, No major cuts in positions at the school or central office level No school closures No increase in class size
Does your student ride a school bus? Families using transportation can download the First View app to see where their student's buses are. The district code for the app is M6QE. Check it out!
4 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
download the app
Please help share - a LIVE, one-day donation drive! We're so grateful to ABC 6 News - KAAL TV, United Way of Olmsted County, and the Rochester community for this one-day donation drive to help stock the Resource Room in our community schools. These rooms are often accessed as an emergency resource and can be the difference between a student coming to school or not. You can drop hygiene donations off at United Way (903 West Center St.) from 6am-7pm today, Thursday, 9/26! We're in need of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair brushes, detergent, hand soap, and Kleenex boxes.
4 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
donation drive interview
donation drive
In case you missed it! Read the recent op-ed by RPS School Board Chair Cathy Nathan, which explains why we put forward the Ignite Student Learning referendum to stabilize our finances and continue helping all students reach their full potential. ➡️ bit.ly/3XCaF6X
5 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Quote from Cathy: We know that public schools not only help support thriving communities but also develop the workforce that energizes our local economy. People are right to expect our schools to continue to improve and find ways to meet the needs of every student. To accomplish this, we need to build on what we do well, not slowly tear it down.
ALC 9th grade students are teaming up with University of MN Extension in engaging conservation projects! They'll learn about nature and how to take care of the environment. A huge shout out to Mrs. Pencille and Mrs. Rojas for facilitating this partnership!
5 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
4H partnership with the ALC
4H partnership with the ALC
4H partnership with the ALC
A reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Wednesday, September 25, for all students. Your teachers and administrators will be participating in professional development, reviewing assessment data, and planning instruction. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!
5 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
No school on Wednesday, September 25
Our first ALC Parent/Caregiver Workshop will be on Wed, 10/9, 5:30-6:30pm, at the ALC (Cafe Connect room). We hope parents/caregivers can join us for our first topic, presented by Mallory Fuchs, ALC Chemical Health Specialist - "How to Talk to Your Youth About Substance Use." Please RSVP using the link on the flyer! Light refreshments will be served.
5 months ago, Rochester Alternative Learning Center
ALC Parent Workshop flye r- 10/9, 5:30-6:30pm, Cafe Connect - how to talk to your youth about substance use